Our vision for changing the world starts right here in Lincoln County, KY. We’re just a family farm choosing to put our best foot forward every day. The fact we’re able to share the wealth of what we’re doing here with the rest of the world has us tinkled pink.
We are deeply rooted in the philosophy “you are what you eat”, and because of that driving mind set we go to great lengths to ensure that everything that we produce, bottle and package for you to bring home is NOURISHING to your body, not filled with toxins or poisons. We raise and feed our animals organically, so we can all be confident in the food and milk we’re consuming. We are currently in the 3 year process of transitioning our farm to USDA certified Organic.
We specialize in raw Nubian goats milk and produce some of the tastiest chicken eggs you’ll ever taste in your life. Every year we donate a large portion of our goods to a Kentucky family or an individual through a charitable organization listed under our Giving Back tab above. Join our farm family to help us make a bigger impact all across Kentucky.
Together we can change the world, with real food and real intentions. Love ya’ll!
-The Arnold Family
Our Goods
Free Range Eggs
Raw Goat Milk
ADGA Nubian Livestock
“One day I will rule the world with a goat by my side.”
— Jhonen V.
Our Story
My husband and I met at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia while on active duty. Nine Years later our first kids were Boer goats, then foster kids that ended up becoming our sons, and now our purebred Nubian moms and their kids. At the heart of our farm is a family that cares very deeply for those who don’t know the real meaning of family and who believe that animals should play a role in our journey in learning how to love. When we bought our first farming property in 2019 we were neither parents nor goat owners and in a matter of a year we became both. Our hope is that each and every one of you who try our products feel like a part of our family too. There’s always room for more.
Welcome to the farm!