Why goats… and why twins?
There’s a lot of sayings about the best things coming in twos and threes. For Roy and I, it came by three goats and then two boys. As if it all happened over night, I can’t remember what our lives even looked like before we had the boys.
The man we bought this property from had 3 boar goats on the property that he was breeding for meat purposes. Thankfully, we were able to negotiate them into the price of the property. Two does: Ella and Blondie and a buck named Jethro. Jethro thought he smelled great. We, however knew the truth. The does were pregnant when we arrived and had their kids at the beginning of the year in 2020. All was right with the world… except, Roy and I still really wanted kids of our own and we had recently opened our foster home back up after we had to close it to move. We had no idea who was going to come into our home, how long they were going to stay, or how hard it would be to say goodbye after loving them as our own. We were fully prepared for this worth while heart break, but we also wanted to adopt if we could.
Two weeks after opening our foster home back up, we got the call from the fostering agency that they had a set of twin boys who were 2 1/2 years old who needed emergency placement. We didn’t know if it was going to be a short term or long term placement but we did know that because they were adoptable we probably shouldn’t commit to taking them if we didn’t plan on going all the way with them. Something in our hearts was screaming “IT’S GO TIME!” but then small fears started creeping into our thoughts about the “what ifs?” and “how do we do this?” about the situation. We chose to listen to our hearts. Six months later to the day, they officially became part of our family and the rest is history.
Our boys are growing and thriving every day… they are loved, and chosen, and the greatest part of it all is that they KNOW they are. They’ve taught me quite a lot about being intentional with my words and conveying my love instead of just assuming people know I love them. And at the end of the day if our actions aren’t lining up with our words, what good is our word? How then can we spread the love?
My biggest hope with our products we sell is that people will be empowered to love themselves, love others and love nature. When we love without any strings attached, we are placing true value in the individual… not what they can do for us in return.
SO, why goats? They were an unexpected venture that I will never tire of.
Why twins? Well, because for me, the best things always come in twos.